Friday 1 June 2007

FLU FACTSInfluenza (also called flu)

FLU FACTSInfluenza (also called flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus. The best way to prevent this illness is by getting a flu vaccination each fall. For weekly flu reports and more facts and information about flu, go to: If you suspect you have flu, see your health provider immediately.
SORE THROATSCommon causes for irritated or inflamed throat tissues are viral infections from colds or flu and include rawness, scratchiness, pain, a burning sensation and difficulty swallowing. Viral sore throats do not respond to antibiotics and are best treated by bed rest, fluids and time. Severe sore throats, lasting more than two days and accompanied by fever, swollen glands, and muscle aches, require a physician’s attention. Other causes for sore throat pain include irritations from allergies, smoke or very dry air. Fisherman’s Friend® provides a soothing and effective remedy for sore throat pain caused by viral infection or environmental irritants.